Home News Nintendo unveils new figures for its Switch

Nintendo unveils new figures for its Switch


New year, new goals. Nintendo, which plans to sell another 20 million Switches in 2022, is it on the right track? Let’s see the new figures communicated.

Nintendo has just sent figures taking into account the sales that took place in March 31, 2022 and not beyond. This includes the number of its machine distributed in the world but also the quantity of its titles sold. Result: the Switch still doing well. But to go from there to saying that the objectives set by Big N will be met… But it’s likely.

4 million in 3 months

During the last three months preceding the date in question (so March 31)the Nintendo Switch recorded 4.11 million additional sales. Which now brings the total consoles purchased by players to 107.65 millionwhich is more than the Wiibut still far from 154 million from the DS and, above all, 155 million PS2. As for the quantity of securities that passed during the same period, it amounts to 55 million.

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Nintendo ranks its hit titles

In addition to the figures mentioned above, the Japanese firm has made available a ranking through which it reveals its successful titles. And, it will be no surprise that we will see the licenses Pokemon and Mario dominate the list. Here they are:

  1. Mario Kart 8 Deluxe – 45.33 million
  2. Animal Crossing: New Horizons – 38.64 million
  3. Super Smash Bros. Ultimate – 28.17 million
  4. The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild – 26.55 million
  5. Pokemon Sword / Pokemon Shield – 24.27 million
  6. Super Mario Odyssey – 23.50 million
  7. Super Mario Party – 17.78 million
  8. Pokemon Sparkling Diamond / Pokemon Sparkling Pearl – 14.65 million
  9. Pokemon: Let’s Go, Pikachu! / Pokemon: Let’s Go, Eevee! – 14.53 million
  10. Ring Fit Adventure – 14.09 million

Next to that another was provided. This time it shows other games with equally satisfactory results, but which are a little below the bar of the 14 million. Among them are the two new Pokémon Legends: Arceus as well as Kirby and the Forgotten World.

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  1. New Super Mario Bros. U Deluxe – 13.31 million
  2. Splatoon 2 – 13.30 million
  3. Pokémon Legends: Arceus – 12.64 million (New)
  4. Luigi’s Mansion 3 – 11.43 million
  5. Super Mario 3D World + Bowser’s Fury – 9.43 million
  6. Mario Party Superstars – 6.88 million
  7. Clubhouse Games: 51 Worldwide Classics – 4.22 million
  8. The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword HD – 3.91 million
  9. Metroid Dread – 2.90 million
  10. Kirby and the Forgotten World – 2.65 million (New)
  11. New Pokemon Snap – 2.40 million
  12. Mario Golf: Super Rush – 2.35 million
  13. Miitopia – 1.68 million
  14. Big Brain Academy: Brain vs. Brain – 1.59 million
  15. WarioWare: Get It Together! – 1.27 million
  16. Game Builder Garage – 1.06 million

And if we count the total number of Switch copies distributed worldwide, we get the impressive number of 822.18 million games.

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