Home News On PC, Battlefield 2042 players return to Battlefield V

On PC, Battlefield 2042 players return to Battlefield V


For several days, Battlefield V has been picking up steam on PC. The players are much more present on the opus of 2018, preferring it to the last title of the franchise.

Battlefield 2042 has not had a launch that can be considered successful. Even if the game is far from being a failure, it must be said that its release was marred by many bugs, after complicated development, and on PC he paid the price, with disastrous notes from the community.

Having also lost members of his team, the game is nevertheless considered as the possible instigator of an extended universe for EA. Except … the number of players is not good on PC, and servers are struggling to stay above the 15,000 players average since two weeks.

Worse than that, on Christmas day, the number of players in Battlefield V far exceeded that of its successor. We counted there 25,000 combatants against 19,000 in the other camp. The balance of power has since appeared to be upset on the battlefield. According to the site Steamcharts, BF5’s servers know all the players from peaks to over 20,000 players.

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We are not going to talk about start of the end for BF2042, but it would seem that fans of the franchise have a sense of nostalgia that must be helped a lot by the issues encountered on the game.

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