Home News PS5 Oxenfree joins Olli Olli World

Oxenfree joins Olli Olli World


The skateboarding game is planning the arrival of Oxenfree for the release of its new expansion, Olli Olli World: Void Rider.

Olli Olli World is a ride game where we have to link Nosegrind, kickflip, 360 flip all trying to establish the best possible score and defeat all other competitors to join the gods of sliding. After his quite notable success, the studio Roll7 decided to release a DLC named Olli Olli World: Void Riders which adds a welcome supernatural and SF aspect to the game. Indeed, this new content presents Sair’Rah, Khehvyn and Pftangxi, aliens who have come to collect skate specimens for their lord and master Nebulord.

To celebrate the release of this DLC, Night School Studio and Roll7 have teamed up to slip Alex’s skin from Oxenfree and make it available to players. To unlock it, players will have to enter this zip code MV32FR33code audible in Morse code in this video from Olli Olli World.

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It will also be possible to grind on a new remix of “Beacon Beach“, music fromOxenfree. The crossover was particularly awaited by the fans and the developers of Night School Studio have responded to this request.

You should know that Oxenfree is available on console, PC, Mac, iOS and Android. Oxenfree II: Lost Signals, meanwhile, is up for pre-order on PS4, PS5, Nintendo Switch and Steam.
If you’re feeling the urge to ride, check out Olli Olli World on PS5, PS4, Xbox Series X/S,Xbox One, Nintendo Switch and PC.

The Olli Olli World test

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