Home News Pac-Man Museum+: images and official covers

Pac-Man Museum+: images and official covers


The compilation of Pac-Man titles, scheduled for PC and consoles for May 2022, is revealed in a few images, including the official covers of the Bandai Namco game.

There wasn’t much more to say about Pac-Man Museum+, the compilation of Pac-Man games made by Namco, acting as a direct sequel to the title named Pac-Man Museum. We already know that he will collect 14 games but no Miss Pac-Manthat it is planned on May 27and that it will be aimed at players PS4, Switch, PC and Xbox One.

Bandai Namco had just forgotten to reveal the visual of its title. Here is something fixed, with the official jacket which just appeared on the Japanese Amazon.

This is in addition to the gallery posted on the official website, and the moving images unveiled recently:

As a reminder, the game will be in day one on the Xbox Game Pass from Microsoft.

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