Home News Phil Spencer wants WoW and Call of Duty to be ‘played even...

Phil Spencer wants WoW and Call of Duty to be ‘played even more’


In a new interview, the boss of the Microsoft Gaming branch renewed his desire to offer Call of Duty to more players. How? The Game Pass is preferred.

Xbox-exclusive Call of Duty: It seemed to be out of the way, but… not necessarily? While Phil Spencer, new boss of Microsoft Gaming, the branch dedicated to the new juggernaut formed by the takeover of Activision-Blizzard by Xbox, had reassured PlayStation players by ruling out the idea of ​​an Xbox exclusivity, the speech is not more so clear.

In an interview from Axiosthe leader again had to answer this question of exclusivity, but this time he preferred to elude by simply confirming that he wanted the game to be “more played”.

Yes, I want more people playing WoW in five years than today I want more people playing Call of Duty in five yearsmore people playing Candy Crush in five years, because we made the game more accessible to more people

And make it accessible to more people, for Phil Spencer, it is above all to offer it on the Game Pass, especially since Microsoft could decide to stop the frantic pace of annual release that can lead to rushed sales of games that struggle to find an audience or keep to schedule. A little further, the leader also recalls that his role is to make the licenses prosper, and that an exclusivity deal can be a logical decision in this context.

Phil Spencer also talked a lot about Starfield, a Microsoft exclusive developed by Bethesda. He sees in it the future best-seller of the company and for him too, we sense very great ambitions:

When I watch the squads or Todd and I talk, we’re like, how do we make sure Starfield be Todd Howard’s most played game of all time?

Here again, it is via the day one arrival on the Game Pass that he thinks he can achieve this objectiverecalling the success of games like Forza Horizon 5 or Halo Infinite.

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Source: www.axios.com, www.axios.com

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