Home News Playstation cuts 90 jobs to focus on digital

Playstation cuts 90 jobs to focus on digital


PlayStation aims to “transform”, and eyeing more and more towards digital, suddenly, the box puts an end to nearly a hundred jobs to focus on its new objectives.

We are in 2022 and digital is becoming more and more important in the video game industry and more generally, everywhere. A company like so many others, Sony and its PlayStation branch evolve with the times, even if there are breakages along the way.

A “global transformation” of PlayStation that blows up 90 jobs

According to Axios, which collected several testimonies, Sony has cleaned up its North American branch by laying off no less than 90 employees, without warning, with an immediate effect applied this week. It is more specifically the “merchandising” service in the USA that has been affected. A section that included a lot of sales reps, brand reps and marketing teams. So many specialized trade jobs with physical retailers (stores, etc.).

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While Sony has not commented on the matter, nor given official reasons for such measures, according to the employees interviewed, internally, management speaks of a “global transformation” of the company.

So it’s not hard to see a detachment from the physical market in favor of the digital one. As Axios points out, Sony, especially PlayStation, is booming and digital sales are increasingly taking precedence over the physical market, as recent market analyzes show. which put Sony and digital sales at the top.

Moreover, little by little, the company is emancipating itself from any other stakeholder, whether to sell its games or its brand, since it relies mainly on the power of its reputation, its in-house online sales services (PS Store) and its personal events (State of Play…), not to mention the imminent arrival of the new PlayStation Plus. Moreover, several new job offers have appeared, in particular on everything related to marketing around the next subscription services.

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So many signals that would tend to confirm the words of the dismissed employees. Trends are changing and Sony is following suit.

Source: www.axios.com

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