Home News PS5 PlayStation Store starts its summer promotions, more than 1500 games concerned

PlayStation Store starts its summer promotions, more than 1500 games concerned


Promotions on the PS Store, we often see them, but this summer, Sony has decided to go into high gear by lowering the price of more than 1500 games.

The Japanese firm does not intend to miss an opportunity to celebrate this hot season as it should. Thus, Until August 4, you can enjoy a huge number of promotions on the PlayStation Store. Let’s take a look at some of them.

Some examples

These “summer super promos” as Sony calls them, touch both titles released this year and older ones, but also additional content. For example, we have Ghostwire: Tokyo released on March 25, 2022, now available for $34.99. The beat’em up Sifu dating from February 6 is not left behind since it goes to 31.40€.

Let’s continue this non-exhaustive list with the space adventure Outer Wilds which knew how to charm its public. From now on, the latter is to be 14,71€. Still in the category of small nuggets having conquered our hearts, we have the game of the year 2021, It Takes Two, lowering its price to 19,99€. In short, you get the idea, there is really something for everyone.

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To discover the (very) long list of games concerned by these sales, go to the PlayStation Blog. If you prefer to go directly to the store, it is at this address.

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