Home News Pokémon Violet and Scarlet: a date, real co-op and new pokémon

Pokémon Violet and Scarlet: a date, real co-op and new pokémon


That’s it, it’s fallen, the 9G of Pokémon finally has a release date for the end of the year and the apps have big surprises in store, including real coop.

Pokémon Violet and Pokémon Scarlet will therefore be released with us as soon as November 18 exclusively on Nintendo Switch and bring with them a welcome and long-awaited feature, real cooperation.

Pokemon 9G is coming at the end of 2022

As presented in the trailer, it will, indeed, possible to go through the adventure with up to 4 players, and if we are to believe the images, it will even be possible to go about each on their own in addition to fighting and exchanging together. Plus, you’ll be able to travel through the all-new region as you see fit and explore it in any order you want.

Obviously, who says new generation says new pokémon and the trailer revealed some of them to us, including the two legendary: Koraidon (Pokémon Scarlet) and Miraidon (Pokémon Purple).

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We were also able to see the three starters, Hairdresser, Chochodile and Pushed as well as new ones like Pohm, an electric-type pokemon, Gourmeta normal type piglet, or Olivini, a grass type pokemon.

Visibly, the software promises a lot of different environments (snowy plains, caves, forest, etc.) and can count on the return of many Pokémon from all previous generations.

As mentioned at the start of the news, Pokémon Purple and Scarlet will be available from November 18, 2022what we had not yet said, however, is that pre-orders are already open on the Nintendo store and that the games will be offered in a duo pack with an exclusive steelbook offered in stride.

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