Home News Pompom, a puzzle-platformer with an original concept, will also be released on...

Pompom, a puzzle-platformer with an original concept, will also be released on Switch


Pompom – a platformer with a rather original concept – will also appear on Switch. It was previously announced for a Steam release.

Despite its appearance, this homage to 16-bit classics offers a different concept from most platformers. But, it’s not that innovative, remember a similarly styled game released In the 90s: Pac-Man 2: The New Adventures.

Indeed, in Pompom, it will not be a question of controlling the main character (the hamster of the video), but rather of helping him to move around and accomplish his quest in complete safety. In order to lead it to Captain Cat and thus put an end to his actions, you will have to, for example, place missing platforms, get rid of obstacles…

The title developed by TOMO CAMP and edited by PID Games will come out on Steam and Switch on a date yet to be specified. A demo can however allow you to approach it on the platform of Valve.

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