Home News Switch Previously postponed, Little Orpheus resumes appointment

Previously postponed, Little Orpheus resumes appointment


Originally scheduled for the beginning of the year, Little Orpheus had to be postponed because of the conflict involving Russia. But now it is about to be released.

Little Orpheus tells the story of a man, a cosmonaut, who was sent to the center of the Earth. But his trip did not go as planned, and for 3 years he was missing. He reappears one day, but he is not without raising some suspicions about his person. Why does this happen? Well, it is because the nuclear bomb that powered his ship has not surfaced. To try to clear his name, he has no choice but to tell his story, as strange as it is. Will he be able to convince?

A release for September

First released on the Apple Arcade in 2020Little Orpheus was to join new media on last March 1st. However, in view of the war in Ukraine and the themes addressed by the game developed by The Chinese Room (Dear Esther), a postponement to an unspecified date was decided. This is now no longer appropriate.

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Little Orpheus has indeed just made an appointment for the September 13th next. It will be released on PS5, PS4, Xbox Series, Xbox One and PC (Steam and the Epic Games Store).

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