Home News PS4 and PS5 update their system, with the announced arrival of VRR

PS4 and PS5 update their system, with the announced arrival of VRR


New options for Parties, Game Base change and upcoming variable refresh rate support (on PS5) are on the program of this new update for Sony consoles.

This Tuesday, Sony warns its users: the PS4 and PS5 consoles will update the internal system of the machines as of Thursday March 24 with the arrival of the full version of the latest update, which had been in beta since February. The main novelty is the arrival of open or closed Parties accessible by invitation on PS5 and PS4. On the PS4 side, you can now individually adjust the sound of each player in a Party.

There is also a new system for filtering games by genre, and several accessibility features or modification of the Game Base interface and trophies. All improvements are listed here.

The VRR is also finally making its appearance, as many rumors have already announced in recent months. This Variable refresh rate on PS5 will be unlocked in the “coming months” for HDMI 2.1 compatible displays but can already be found in menus.

This option dynamically synchronizes the refresh rate of the display to the video output of the PS5 console. The visual performance of PS5 games will therefore be increased by reducing or eliminating visual artifacts like frame rate issues or screen tearing. Many PS5 games will feel smoother, with instant scene rendering, crisper graphics, and reduced input latency.

How to enable VRR on PS5?

Sony reminds that previously released games can be optimized with a patch. Future games should have this native support. Additionally, you can also choose to apply Variable Refresh Rate to PS5 games that do not support it. “This feature may improve the video quality of some games.”

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For enable VRR on PS5, all you have to do is go to the video settings of the console, to the Screen and Video menu, and change the “VRR” setting. You can also check the “Apply to unsupported games” box below.

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