Home News PS5s to be won by finding the codes hidden by PlayStation

PS5s to be won by finding the codes hidden by PlayStation


Despite the shortage, PlayStation is setting up a contest called “Treat Codes” which will allow 14 lucky winners to walk away with a PlayStation 5.

One could almost take this with a certain irony. While it is extremely difficult to obtain a playstation5 because, among other things, of the shortage of semiconductors. The Japanese firm finds nothing better than to offer a contest of the “treasure hunt” type to win PS5 that you can’t even find on the store shelves…

Well, we agree, the initiative is quite nice, the concept is fun. And we could even see the good side of things, because if you are a lucky winner, it will save you from shelling out a few hundred euros from a sclaper to acquire the precious loot.

Here it is now The game’s rules:

A series of 14 unique codes made up of symbols similar to those on PlayStation controller buttons will appear online, on our social networks and in unexpected places around the world, including at events dedicated to sports, video games, movies and to the music. Each code you find will allow you to enter for a chance to win a PS5 console, granting you a maximum of 14 chances to enter the contest.

If you find one, you will have to go to the Treat Codes site, from PlayStation.com to try your luck.

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But be careful, the duration is limited and you only have until March 7 at 7:00 p.m. last deadline to participate. You will find all the information by following this link.

Good luck to you and stay tuned!

Source: blog.uk.playstation.com

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