Released in August 2021, Double Fine’s biggest hit could very well come back to be offered in boxed format this time.
Released in August 2021 on PC, PS4, Xbox One (with an optimization for the Xbox Series)Psychonauts 2 is a nice success: the game has not only managed to get the praise of the press, but it has also imposed itself on the players. And, the craze that it has generated has allowed it to become the best selling title of its creator, the development studio Double Fine. But it’s not over yet, this sequel to the 2005 opus will probably have the opportunity to conquer a larger world, and especially the fans of physical versions.
Towards a boxed release for Psychonauts 2?
So is a boxed version of Psychonauts 2 planned? Yes, if we believe it Amazon Germany where the game has indeed just been referenced there on PS4 and Xbox One . It will be available on September 27, 2022 and would cost 69.99 eurosas you can see on the page in question.
Now, we just have to wait for the confirmation of the main people involved, including Skybound, who would be in charge of the distribution of the copies.