Home News Research SuperCluster: Meta’s supercomputer for the metaverse

Research SuperCluster: Meta’s supercomputer for the metaverse


It’s not enough to talk about it, you have to get started and it does seem that things are gradually accelerating around the metaverse.

While Oculus accounts have just been closed on social networks and Meta imposes its name more and more, Mark Zuckerberg’s multinational continues to invest with a view to next digital era .

And the project of the day is the Research SuperCluster (RSC), a giant supercomputer to manage artificial intelligence that the Internet of tomorrow promises us and in which Meta strongly believes and intends to impose itself.

the metaverse, this next virtual universe on the way to replacing the interactions of the real world, will thus be able to take advantage of the RSC to benefit from new services from the American multinational, as well as a better content moderation.

This is at least what it will be possible to do thanks to the data from different platforms of Meta, but also at language processing (with real-time translation in many languages ​​and dialects, even with accent) andstill image as animated, including on long videos, with voice recognition achievable whatever the surrounding sound conditions.

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Still under construction (should be completed in mid 2022), but already functional, the RSC would be the world’s fastest artificial intelligence supercomputer, thus dethroning Japanese Fugaku. It is currently equipped with 6080 GPUs from 760 Nvidia DGX A100 computers and its processing speed is 20 times higher to his predecessor. But this is only the beginning and Meta’s data center should almost triple in size.

Well, on the other hand, we will not speak here ofecology, nor of all fears that it can raise, but you certainly have your little idea…

Source: ai.facebook.com

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