Home News Resident Evil 4 Remake: Ashley will be played by an Instagrammer

Resident Evil 4 Remake: Ashley will be played by an Instagrammer


Who says remake, says graphic overhaul but also new faces. And we now know a little more about who is hiding behind the new face of Ashley glimpsed during the State of Play, since it is a model.

Now that the long-awaited RE4: Remake has officially been announced during the State of Playplace to the first indiscretions concerning him.

Because as you will surely have noticed, the original work has been deeply reworked, at least on the graphic aspect at first. And one of the visual consequences is young Ashley’s new face – the President’s daughter Leon must find and save.

This face may not be familiar to you, but it was borrowed from the Instagram model Ella Freyawho confirmed the news via this tweet that we translate for you.

When I saw the trailer, I almost cried. I’m too happy now. Thank you all from the bottom of my heart.

However, nothing says that she will perform the performance as an actress. Just like RE3 in short, where Jill Valentine’s features were borrowed from a Russian modeland the performance of an actress entrusted to another person.

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Either way, we can’t wait to uncover new design secrets for this Resident Evil 4 remake, which promises “to introduce modernized gameplay, a reimagined storyline and highly detailed graphics.”

As a reminder, RE4 Remake is expected for March 24, 2023 on PS5, Xbox Series X/S, PC but also on PSVR 2.

Source: www.videogameschronicle.com

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