Home News Resident Evil 4 VR has welcomed its first post-launch update

Resident Evil 4 VR has welcomed its first post-launch update


The VR version of Capcom’s cult game – first released in 2006 – has received an update, which notably improves player comfort.

This new version of Resident Evil 4 dedicated toOculus Quest 2 – whose test can be read here – has just seen its first update.

It provides more comfort to players. Thus, it is now possible for them to invert the joysticks for movement, thus making it easier for left-handed players. Waist and chest adjustments are also permitted.

Furthermore, new modssuch as changing the color of the laser pointer – are also part of the additions. And, in addition to optimizing game performance, save bugs have been fixed.

A news update is – as you may know – already planned for this year. It will add free mode mercenaries original in title VR. However, no specific date was mentioned.

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Source: www.eurogamer.net

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