Home News Resident Evil 7: Free PS5 Update Has One Exception

Resident Evil 7: Free PS5 Update Has One Exception


Since the Capcom Show on June 14, Resident Evil 2.3 and 7 have been able to benefit from the new-gen update for free… well, there is an exception.

During the conference which takes place on the night of June 13 to 14, Capcom announced the immediate availability, completely free of charge, of new gen updates for the PS4 and Xbox One (but also PC) versions of Resident Evil 2.3 and 7. Which was logically applied, with one ready exception. For some PS5 players, the seventh installment released in 2017 cannot show itself in its improved version without paying a few euros.

An issue with PS Plus Collections

If some players have actually been able to take advantage of the very recent patch at no cost, which brings, among other things, 4K resolution or 3D audio, it is different for others. And for good reason, those who have recovered the game through the PlayStation Plus Collection – where PS5 subscribers can access 19 PS4 titles – cannot access these new advantages for free.

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So if they want to play the new gen version of Resident Evil 7, they have no choice but to buy the game, also available at a price of 19.99 euros on the PS Store.

As a reminder, Final Fantasy VII Remake was also affected by this situation. However, several months later, players who had it in their library via PS Plus were able to see the update arrive. Can we expect something similar here? We’ll see.

Source: www.videogameschronicle.com

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