Home News Saints Row: A livestream is scheduled for the week of April 18

Saints Row: A livestream is scheduled for the week of April 18


Pushed back to August 2022, the reboot of Volition will present itself more in a very short time via a livestream mainly focused on the customization aspect of the game.

First announced during the gamescom 2021, Saints Row has had its date pushed back for quality concerns. Eventually, it will come out only this August 23, 2022. Date all in all quite close but not too much anyway, thus leaving enough time for the new title of Volition to present itself in length, in width and across.

A livestream dedicated to personalization scheduled for April 20

And, it won’t take long to see that happen. A livestream is indeed scheduled for April 20., or in a handful of days. Posted on the platform Deep Silver Twitchthe event will feature a trailer, interviews and other information. It will mainly aim to say a little more about the game’s customization system:

During the presentation, long-time fans and newcomers alike will be thrilled to see an all-new trailer all about customization on all aspects of in-game player choice that will have gamers on all ages excited. amazing ways you can become your own boss in Saints Row – it will really show the breadth and depth of customization features Volition has baked into the title.

Saints Row will be released this summer on PS5, PS4, Xbox Series, Xbox One and PC.

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