Home News Xbox Series X Saints Row returns with a gameplay presentation

Saints Row returns with a gameplay presentation


Approaching its release on August 23, Saints Row returns to us with a new video to give us a look at its gameplay.

The reboot of Saints Row is coming very soon on PS5, PS4, Xbox Series, Xbox One and PCsince it aims at a release in August 23 next. But, while waiting to be able to put the hand on it, we will be satisfied to pass a glance on the various videos, published recently with an aim of preparing this very close publication.

A new view on Saints Row

A short time ago, Saints Row shared some elements about it, and this, twice. The first one was a presentation trailer that focused on Kevin’s character. The second one was also in the form of a video. And, in the latter, Volition came back to the creation of characters.

Now, with a new communication, we are offered a small general view of the game, giving a glimpse on the different gangs that will oppose our Saints of Santo Illeso such as Los Panteros, The Idols and Marshall. In these new minutes, we also return on the personalization and we attract, at the same time, the look on various confrontations, the means of locomotion or still on what makes the signature of the famous series of GTA-like: the joyfully crazy atmosphere of the title. Anyway, we leave you with the video:

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