Home News Saints Row shares its madness for customization

Saints Row shares its madness for customization


Volition has provided us with new elements on its next title. And, as promised, the last communication focused on personalization.

Announced recently, the last showcase centered on the next reboot of Saints Row took place this Wednesday April 20. The presentation, which is now presented in its entirety, made it possible to identify certain information on the appearance of title customization. Something that was also shown to us, but in less detail, through another, slightly shorter video.

Your character can be modeled as desired, whether in terms of clothing, face modeling, or others. Your avatar’s appearance is entirely up to your imagination. Whether he is stripped of a large number of clothes, whether he wears make-up or tattoos or has deformities, it depends on your will.

The vehicles – cars, motorcycles or a little more exotic parts – as well as weapons will also be subject to customization. Likewise, you will be able to define your base in your image according to the elements that you will recover as you progress. And your gang will also be a point that will depend on you, their look and that of their bikes will come back to you.

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Saints Row will be released on next august 23 on PS5, PS4, Xbox Series, Xbox One and PC.

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