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Sega announces that it will release a whole lot of remakes, remasters, etc. before March 2023


Announcing its figures, SEGA logically took the opportunity to unveil its action plan for the current fiscal year.

The fiscal year that ended on March 31, 2022 has been good for SEGA. The company has indeed announced that it has done better than what was achieved the previous year. The main reason for this increase lies mainly, as stated, in a significant increase in production: the number of games offered was a little more numerous than previously. And, it even seems that a certain category has particularly shone. The category of “remakes, remasters and spin-offs” featuring Sonic Color Ultimate, Super Monkey Ball: Banana Mania and the Yakuza spin-off, Lost Judgmentdeposit 4 million distributions in the year out of a total of 6, if we count games more generally.

2023: a more promising year

A nice success on which SEGA intends to capitalize well during the current year. The Japanese firm has indeed announced its intention to release more remakes, etc. and thus increase the number of sales until it reaches a figure somewhat higher than previously, i.e. 5 million copies. Something to which Sonic Origins should notably contribute among other titles obviously not yet announced. Crazy Taxi and Jet Set Radio should not appear immediately.

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And so, on a general level (so we count all these releases that will appear before March 31, 2023), SEGA expects to double its previous figures and then reach 13 million sales. According to the company, all this will be possible thanks to the increase in the number of its publications. 13 are indeed planned against 7 last year. Among the titles expected, novelties should also be announced.

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