Home News Shadow Warrior 3 will be available day one on PS Now and...

Shadow Warrior 3 will be available day one on PS Now and celebrate with gameplay


Lo Wang has obviously made eye to Sony since the software will be available from the day of its release on PS Now.

If it is also planned for Xbox Series, PC and Xbox Oneit is at Sony that Shadow Warrior 3 is the most talked about since the software will make a sensational entry on PS Now.

PlayStation Blog tells us, PS5 and PS4 players who subscribe to the service will be able to enjoy the crazy FPS of Flying Wild Hog in day one on PS Now.

We can clearly see that Sony begins to initiate the arrival of its “Project Spartacus”its game-on-demand service that’s supposed to be nibbling territory away from the ever-evolving Xbox Game Pass.

In any case, quite proud, Lo Wang offers us gameplay and butchers a good number of demons for a handful of minutes on PS5. I hope you like tripaille.

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