Home News Shadow Warriors 3: a new hardcore game mode is coming with patch...

Shadow Warriors 3: a new hardcore game mode is coming with patch 1.04


Challenge fans will be delighted with Shadow Warrior patch 1.04 since a hardcore mode has just been added.

Just over two months after its release, Shadow Warrior 3 is stepping up a gear with its 1.04 patch. While the software was not very difficult and rather short as we talked about in our test, Flying Wild Hog adds a mode that should give some cold sweats to the more adventurous.

After the Hardcore mode a few weeks ago, it’s it’s Hero Mode’s turn to make its debut. The latter raises the difficulty a notch further and presents itself as being a real die & retry where the slightest death is synonymous with definitive game over. Understand by this that if you have the misfortune to have your wing weighed down, you will have to start the game over from the beginning. However, succeeding in completing the challenge will reward you with an exclusive skin.

And in addition, you will be able to smell the good smell of victory wrapped in a deep sense of accomplishment. Magnificent.

In addition, the patch will bring with it several fixes, cosmetics and a new option to select chapters. Perfect for completers.

Shadow Warrior 3 Patch Notes 1.04 on PS5, Xbox Series, PC, PS4 and Xbox One

  • New Hero Mode – game modifier for greater challenge.
  • Added Chapter Selector.
  • Free Frostbite weapon skin for the Basilisk.
  • Added option to change subtitle size.
  • Fixed distorted sounds when dying during the Grapple Hook tutorial.
  • Fixed an issue where actions could get stuck when scaling a ledge while charging the katana at the same time
  • Fixed an issue where the action could get stuck when performing a finishing move while charging the katana.
  • Fixed when the player would fall indefinitely when shooting the bell while standing on the platform in the “Walking on Eggshells” mission.
  • Fixed an issue where no additional ammo was granted even though ammo upgrade was unlocked.
  • Community Comments: Improved snapping for faster collection of resource orbs
  • Fixed Swarm Launcher projectiles still being present when a player dies and respawns.
  • Fixed a rare bug where the player could be knocked up while running on the wall.
  • Fixed an issue where changing settings in the audio menu would get stuck after using the reset to default option.
  • Improved collision in various locations.
  • Fixed an issue where it was possible to return to the game after reloading, restarting, or quitting.
  • The bloody vignette on the screen has been toned down.
  • Various tweaks and art fixes.
  • Fixed an issue where the first encounter on That Damn Dam would not start after reloading the mission.
  • Fixed (from community feedback) a situation where the player could slide sideways.
  • Fixed an issue where enemies would remain stationary for a period of time after being Thawed.
  • Fixed “Last Stand” icon remaining on screen for too long after activation.
  • Update – The Last Stand HUD icon now has graphics to correctly indicate its status.
  • Fixed a bug where balls respawning when they shouldn’t.
  • Fixed (from community feedback) a weapon mesh not displaying correctly on ultrawide monitors.
  • Fixed an issue where the player could be thrown into the air by the elevator in the “Doomsday Device” mission.
  • Fixed an incorrectly placed kill trigger on the raft after the last Egg Express arena potentially killing the player.
  • Suicidal Shogai no longer explodes when frozen.
  • Fixed an issue where too many Gassy Obariyons could spawn in the first arena of The Fast and the Furry mission.
  • Various performance optimizations.
  • Source: playfront.de

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