Home News Shenmue 4: Yu Suzuki has “no concrete plan”, but already some ideas

Shenmue 4: Yu Suzuki has “no concrete plan”, but already some ideas


Shenmue 4 is not about to see the light of day, but its creator already knows what he intends to do with the rest of the saga.

If recently rumors suggested that a Shenmue 4 was in the cards, Yu Suzuki claimed that this was not the case.

Shenmue 4, it’s not for now

The man has indeed made a statement at an event in honor of the license in which he confirms thatthere are currently “no concrete plans regarding Shenmue 4”.

However, as he had already said in the past, Yu Suzuki does not intend to drop the license. Despite the mixed reception of Shenmue 3, Suzuki is satisfied and thinks it has satisfied fans. Only for him this third opus was not sufficiently accessible to neophytesand it is precisely on this that the man would like to work for a potential Shenmue 4.

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According to him, Shenmue 3 was ‘made for fans first’, but “players unfamiliar with the series very quickly felt left out.” Something that the creator no longer wants. He also declares to be particularly looking forward to “allowing new players to play the next installment”.

The door is therefore not completely closed, but we are therefore not yet close to seeing Shenmue 4 land. In any case, this time around, the game should open up to a wider audience. Hoping that the sequel does not take another 18 years to arrive.

Source: www.videogameschronicle.com

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