Home News Switch Sherlock Holmes: The Awakened gets a new lease on life

Sherlock Holmes: The Awakened gets a new lease on life


When Conan Doyle meets Lovecraft, what do you get? You have to go back to 2006 to get the answer, but Frogwares offers you to update it all with its young Sherlock Holmes.

Despite the war in his country, Frogwares (The Sinking City, Sherlock Holmes: Chapter One…) continues to develop new titles, always around his favorite literary figure. And it is at the remake of Sherlock Holmes: The Awakened (He is now tackling the remake of Sherlock Holmes: The Awakened, which he released in 2006 and remastered in 2008. This dive of Conan Doyle’s British detective in Lovecraft’s universe should arrive in the next few months. in the middle of the year 2023 on PC, PS5, PS4, Xbox Series, Xbox One and Switch.

Also following in the footsteps of Sherlock Holmes: Chapter One, Sherlock Holmes: The Awakened will not only bring new additional content to the original title, but also some touch-ups to ensure consistency of the whole. One will thus find the young Sherlock Holmesbut also his new sidekick whom he has just met, but with whom he will soon become inseparable: the equally famous Doctor John Watson.

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Now taking advantage of theUnreal Engine 4This new version of the game should provide polished images that allow you to immerse yourself as closely as possible in the tentacular horror, as we can expect the trailer presenting the duo in a bad situation in the heart of the swamps of New Orleans. And if the lawmen who pursue them finally let them escape, it is to better entrust them to the members ofa sect dedicated to a certain Great Old One named Cthulhu.

Besides New Orleans, the game also promises 3 other destinations across the 8 main cases that will have to be solved, always in semi-open world.

Meanwhile, the studio has launched a Kickstarter campaign to raise 70000€. (already exceeded) in order to finalize the dubbing and the external testing phases, as well as to ensure a “financial safety net” – the game being already well advanced – and to be able to honor its fans in the game before it is completed (names and photos). If you want to be part of it, it’s here.

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