Home News Sifu: the title of Sloclap sold a million copies

Sifu: the title of Sloclap sold a million copies


Sloclap’s game, released in digital format at the beginning of February, has just passed the million mark. Players were drawn to it, but obviously the title is causing them big problems.

Given the enthusiasm created here and there, the success of the title was obvious. While waiting for its release in physical edition (on PlayStation consoles) as well as a possible arrival on Xbox and Switch, Sifu can already boast to have attracted more than a million players in its digital format. Already, that its launch had been quite noticed and remarkable: half a million copies were sold in three days.

A nice result that was accompanied by statistics that shed some light on the situation of the players. Over 10 million hours spent, 45% of them have succeeded to pass the famous level 2. As for those who have reached and overcome Yangthe final boss, they are only 150,000 to be able to brag about it.

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Here is the press release from Pierre Tarno (executive producer of Sloclap), who is particularly pleased with the “unexpected” Chinese success:

We are delighted with the reception given to Sifu by the fans and the press. We wanted to create an authentic kung fu action game that paid homage to our favorite kung fu movies. We’re grateful to our fans around the world, but we’re especially humbled by the incredible reception the game has received in China. Our internal measure of success was how well the game was received in this country. Knowing that Chinese fans represent the largest segment of our sales outside of North America and the positive reviews from Chinese critics are very important to us.

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