Home News Silksong at the Xbox conference this June 12 with an announcement? ...

Silksong at the Xbox conference this June 12 with an announcement? News @VGR


In development for some time now, Silksong could very soon show itself again, with a little news for Xbox players.

Since 2019, Hollow Knight: Silksong is somewhat understated. But, it is now very possible to see him come back the end of his nose. Some rumors already saw him appearing in titles presented by Geoff Khiegley, last Thursday, during the opening of the Summer Game Fest 2022. It was not so. But that doesn’t mean we won’t see it. In fact, there’s even a good chance they’ll be back in the spotlight in just a few hours with the Xbox conference scheduled for this June 12 at 7 p.m., for a duration of 95 minutes.

An announcement for the Game Pass?

Following Hollow Knight will it really be included in the program? According to our new prophet (The Snitch), which in particular was at the origin of the leak of The Last of Us Part I, it is very likely indeed to see it there with a very particular announcement.

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Again, the user Twitter was the source of a rather revealing tweet, although it still remains somewhat of a mystery. He did not just content himself with broadcasting an evocative image accompanied by the mention “DayOne”. Which can only evoke one thing: when it is launched Silksong should integrate the Game Pass.

So the expected game for now on PCs and Switches would he only come to integrate the Game Pass PC? Or would it also be added to Microsoft’s console catalogs? Well, we’ll see all of that.

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