Home News Sonic Frontiers draws the wrath of fans

Sonic Frontiers draws the wrath of fans


In two videos, the new adventure of our friend hedgehog will have already animated the crowd with a lively passion. Some disgruntled people even try to ask Sega to fix it.

If Sega, by its own admission, places great hopes in this new Sonic opus, it’s really a bad start to see it materialize. Because, in two video releases – one to show its open world and the other to expose its combat system – Sonic Frontiers has come up against a thick wall of disappointed fans. And, it did not take more to see complaints emerging here and there asking the creators of the game to do something to avoid this “planned disaster”.

A postponement required

Very unconvinced, the fans expressed themselves on Twitter to point out the various defects that abounded in the two demonstrations released so far. Which even created for a while a certain trend on the social network (#DelaySonicFrontiers). And, while some prayed that what was published was not representative of the final product, others demanded an indefinite postponement so that the Sonic Team gives itself more time to deliver an adventure worthy of the famous mascot.

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For this, in the event that Sega intends to provide such a copy, the best way – according to some shared comments – would come down to one thing mainly: the publication of a demo, which would be accompanied by a questionnaire . And, by there, in this way, the players would share the things that deserve to be improved to make the game viable.

Here are some sayings:

I’m nervous about this game. This demo didn’t look great. – @LonelyGoomba

Need to delay Sonic Frontiers and release the demo – @RefreshingStars

A certain wave of discontent and fear that is reminiscent of another situation, the one experienced by the very first Sonic cinematic adaptation, resulting in particular in the creation of a new design for the character. But, this time, what will the various complaints lead to? We only ask to see. First, by seeing what Sega says about it and how it intends to fix the problem. Make everything more dynamic and organic? Configure some visual defects…? It is entirely possible. As for the concept… that’s another story.

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