Home News Sony: PC, mobile and games-service will soon represent 50% of productions

Sony: PC, mobile and games-service will soon represent 50% of productions


PC and mobile games will soon represent 50% of PlayStation titles and more than half of them will be service games.

In its latest financial report, Sony took stock and laid out its predictions for the years to come. And for the firm’s first party games, the future will be on PS5 as well as on PC and mobile, as a bonus, the majority of its titles will be service games.

Soon as many PS5 games as PC and mobile

Sony did not hide it until now, and confirms it more now, he intends to invest as much as possible in PC and mobile gamesevidenced in particular by the acquisition of studios such as Firespirit or Nixxes.

On PC, Sony is also pleased to have sold no less than 2.4 million Horizon Zero Dawn, more than 850,000 Days Gone and just under 1 million God of War. Overall, the company is posting rising revenues for this branch, with $35 million in 2020 and near 80 million in 2021. The Japanese giant also believes that revenues should literally explode by fiscal year 2022 and approach 300 million dollars.

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We must therefore expect to see many titles arrive on PC and if we already know that Uncharted and Returnal will soon point the tip of their noses, we do not know much about future ports.

On mobile, on the other hand, there is still everything to do for the manufacturer and that is also whyhe intends to invest massively and has already established an aggressive plan to conquer this particularly juicy market. The giant intends to “co-develop software from strong licenses with major players in the sector”, “establish a network of partner studios”, “prepare numerous projects” and “centralize” all under one and the same banner. .

The firm therefore intends to take the second step so as not to be left behind by the evolution of the market and trends. In its predictions, Sony estimates that PC and mobile games should make up half of its portfolio by 2025alongside the productions PS5.

More service games, less traditional games

If Sony has made its reputation for its quality solo exclusives, the company also intends to make a name for itself in the game-service (or GaaS) world. It is also with this in mind that the firm got its hands on Bungie, with which it intends to build a real ecosystem centered on the field, relying on the studio’s expertise in the field.

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Currently, Sony has only one representative of the genre in its portfolio, The Shows 22, but intends to release 2 more by the end of the 2022 fiscal year and no less than 12 by 2025.

Moreover, according to internal estimates, service games alone will represent more than half of the games to come in 2025.
Nothing surprising in this when we see that revenues earned by in-app purchases represent no less than 15 billion dollars in fiscal year 2021 and that this should only increase in the years to come.

Sony therefore intends to follow market trends so as not to be left behind by the competition. 2022 is definitely going to be an important year for the company who, in addition to mutating his PlayStation Plus subscription, intends to deploy several surprises, including obviously GaaS.

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