Home News Spread: Paradise Hotel Unveils First Gameplay Footage

Spread: Paradise Hotel Unveils First Gameplay Footage


The sequel to WanadevStudio’s horrifying wave shooter shows off a bit more in a new gameplay trailer during the AG French Direct.

Unveiled during the UploadVR Showcase in December, Propagation: Paradise Hotel is the next VR title from French WanadevStudio (to whom we owe the very good Raganaröck), which will take over from VR spread.

Last week theAG French Directthe show dedicated to French video games, will have been the opportunity for the title to show itself again with a brand new trailer which allows us to see a little pre-alpha gameplay of the title.

In addition to the wounds to heal to restore the level of health, in a very Resident Evil style, we see that it will also be a question of managing not only the ammunition (with manual reloading), but also the lamp battery.

Much of the adventure takes place in darkness which is well suited to setting a stressful atmosphere, especially in the midst of corpses bathing in their blood and filthy creatures returned from the dead.

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The style seems in any case to want deviate from its elder’s free wave shooter who introduced the co-op via paid DLC. Unlike this one, not only will we actually be entitled to a single-player survival horror campaignbut we can move freely.

The game is expected for end of 2022 on PCVR only for now, versions Quest and PSVR (1 and/or 2) could follow next.

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