Home News Stranger Of Paradise shows its intro cutscene

Stranger Of Paradise shows its intro cutscene


Just released, the souls-like anchored in the Final Fantasy universe introduces its universe via its introductory cutscene.

Released this March 18Stranger Of Paradise: Final Fantasy Origin got approached by the friend Kikitoes. His observation was not really favorable to the game developed by Team Ninja (Nioh, Ninja Gaiden…). However, as he pointed out, the title was not to be thrown away. You’ll find out more as you approach the test – if you haven’t already, of course.

Here, we will only report the introductory cinematic of the game broadcast by its publisher, Square Enix, on the occasion of the publication. This will allow you to have a small overview of the big bad, the dark Chaoswhich awaits you if you try the adventure.

Stranger Of Paradise: Final Fantasy Origin is available on PS5, PS4, Xbox Series, Xbox One and PC.

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