Home News PS5 Stray: everyone loves the game, especially cats

Stray: everyone loves the game, especially cats


Freshly released, Stray shakes up social networks where even our feline friends seem to be conquered by Annapurna’s game.

Available since July 19th on PS5, PC and PS4Stray is a hit with gamers, especially on the Twitch platform where the game runs very well, but also with the cats themselves.

Chat is a hit

After the videos of cute kittens or the memes of cats who cringe, social networks are now invaded by videos and other images of cats that react to Stray. We must believe that the cat we play in Stray is credible enough to fool our pets who seem to think that it is really one of their fellow creatures, as a result sequences at the same time funny and cute as everything.

The trend has become so widespread thata Twitter account has been entirely dedicated to the phenomenon and includes a whole bunch of “cats react”;
And yes, it was necessary to talk about it. Cats are too mim’s.

Stray in real life

Moreover, the phenomenon extends well beyond the Internet since a range of transport accessories for felines will soon see the light of day. Annapurna has indeed signed a partnership with Travel Cats to design a carrying bag and a harness with Stray’s colors. Cat by very far.

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