Home News Street Fighter 6: a trailer and a release for 2023

Street Fighter 6: a trailer and a release for 2023


Revealed last February, the new opus of the cult Versus Fighting showed itself more during the PlayStation event with the firm intention of revolutionizing the genre.

During the PlayStation event, Capcom unsheathed two of its cult licenses. If Resident Evil first drew attention to the remake of its fourth opus, street fighterhe revealed more about the content of his next iteration carried out under the engine REEngine. It is planned, without further details, for a release in 2023 on PS5, PS4, Xbox Series and PC.

Street Fighter 6: a revolution for the fighting game?

In the new video released, we find well-known faces, of course. Chun Li and Ryu are therefore quite logically in the game. But, it is especially the two newcomers who caught the eye: Lukewhich had already been introduced with the last DLC intended for the fifth opus, and the newcomer, the adept of Breakdance, Jamie.

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With the experience it tends to offer, street fighter 6 wants to be a small revolution in the field of fighting games. In any case, one thing is certain, the game of Capcom has new elements to promote such as its game modes for example. Thereby, the World Tour will offer the possibility of moving freely in town as well as the Battle Hub which is basically a place where players meet to organize fights.

This street fighter 6 also intends to offer new mechanics, such as with the addition of a new gauge – which is explained more on the PS Blog. And, without leaving aside the style of play that has made it successful, it will try to seduce neophytes by providing them with controls “modern” for a simplified gaming experience. An experience that, by the way, will benefit from the presence of commentators.

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