Sucker Punch has sent a message to clarify some rumors about Sly Cooper and inFamous. So, are there any new releases in sight?
On his official website, Sucker Punch published a message July 1 in which he drew attention to his next 25th anniversary and took the opportunity to comment on the rumors that are swarming here and there on the Web about sequels concerning some of its PlayStation licenses. And, the studio has the merit to be very clear about it.
No sequels on the horizon for inFamous and Sly Cooper
For some time now, rumors, especially from the Twitter user AccountNGT, have given hope that we will soon see announcements about new titles for inFamous and Sly Cooper. Well, it was all smoke without fire. Sucker Puncher has indeed stated that they have no plans for them at this time. No studio, whether it’s him or another, is currently working on bringing these licenses back to the forefront.
On the other hand, Sucker Punch is indeed working on a new project, which requires, as it has been declared, a very special attention. And there is every reason to believe that this is the sequel to Ghost of Tsushima, which we told you about a few days ago.

As our games continue to grow in size and complexity, they require the full attention of our studio. As we focus on our current project, we do not intend to revisit inFamous or Sly Cooper at the moment, and no other studio is currently working on projects related to those franchises either. These characters are very special and very dear to our hearts, so while we would never say no to a future reopening, there are currently no inFAMOUS or Sly Cooper games in developmentt.
But, if there are no new titles in regard to them, Sucker Punch does not forget the fans, and particularly those of inFamous, by promising them to keep the servers of inFamous Second Son, which seems to have a loyal audience, as long as possible.