Home News Temtem: Pokemon’s Biggest Competitor Is Coming From Early Access Soon

Temtem: Pokemon’s Biggest Competitor Is Coming From Early Access Soon


After a little over 2 years of early access, Temtem is about to release its final version on consoles and PC in a few months.

After a development of several years and an early access period started in January 2020, Temtem will finally be released in version 1.0 on September 6 on PS5, Xbox Series, PC, Switch, PS4 and Xbox One.

Temtem facing VS Pokémon Purple and Scarlet

Developed by the Spanish studio Crema, Temtem is an ultra-solid multiplayer Pokémon-like featuring more than a hundred creatures to collect.

The particularity of Temtem is also that it leaves no room for RNG (randomness). Right here, turn-based combat is strategica good management of the statistics of its creatures is essential and many mechanics related to breeding are also part of it.

Along with battles and leaderboards, Temtem also has a scripted adventure lasting several dozen hours in a world shared with other players. It will also be possible to team up to participate in dungeons and other cooperative or competitive events such as the creation of clans, exchanges, fights or even tournaments.

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Capturing creatures is obviously central to the experience just like the hunt for Luma, the equivalent of Pokémon’s Shinny.

To wrap up the announcement, the developers claimed that many free content updates were on the program.

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