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Test Drive Unlimited Solar Crown: a last video at the center of criticism


On the occasion of the Nacon Connect 2022, released this July 7, Test Drive Unlimited Solar Crown showed itself in a video. However, it was far from being a pleasure.

Nacon took advantage of its show this Thursday, July 7 to announce some new titles, whether they are planned for the near future or not. It was for example the case of Terminator and the game based on the universe of Robin Hood. But it was also the occasion to see again some images of already known titles such as Robocop and especially Test Drive Unlimited Solar Crown. However, as far as the latter is concerned, its small release (which can be seen just below) did not really please the fans.

A criticized release

All that the video generated was disappointment… well, mostly. In any case, very few players enjoyed it. To quote numbers: out of a total of 24,000 views, the trailer garnered a low number of likes (619) against more than 1500 expressions of displeasure.

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Faced with the few seconds made available, the critics were indeed quick to come down. Why did it happen? What are they blaming? It’s simple, when fans were expecting to have a view on the gameplay of this new opus announced in 2020Instead, they had the disappointment of seeing very little on their screen, except at least a glimpse of some of the vehicles that will be offered when the game is released (in 2023 on PC, new gen console and Switch).

As for the comments in question, we’ll just relay what VGC has selected, such as these words from a certain Stylish P0rsche:

Waiting a year to see only a one-minute trailer with no gameplay is an immediate red flag

Or can we note the user intervention Jimneh Jim:

Dude, it’s ok if the game takes a while, but there’s no need to hype up stuff like this. What the hell is this stuff. When there’s really something to show then show it. We’ll wait.

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