Home News PS5 the 5 associations have been chosen

the 5 associations have been chosen


After several days of deliberations, we now know the 5 associations which will replace GoodPlanet and restore the blazon of this Z Event 2022. Zerator announced the final results and we find some big names in ecology.

Thus, we know the identity of the 5 associations which collected the most votes. At the top of the ranking, we find the association Sea Shepherdan NGO fighting for the protection of marine ecosystems, notably by militating for the end of industrial fishing. In second place, we find the League of protection of the birdsone of the oldest associations of protection of the French environment and is notably recognized of public utility. The association works for the preservation of birds in way of extinction via national plans of actions.

In third position, we find the very famous WWF association or in the language of Molière, the World Wildlife Fund. The organization raises funds for endangered animals and is involved in in monitoring international and national regulations. In second-to-last place is Time for the Planet, not an association, but a company with a mission that is, an organization with an environmental and profit-making purpose. The company finances innovations with the aim of goal to fight against greenhouse gases. All these innovations have for obligation to be published in Open Source, that is to say a mode of distribution supporting the collaboration between the individuals.

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Finally, the last one selected by the Internet users is none other than the Sea Cleaners, an NGO also acting for the protection of the oceans and in particular cleaning of the areas most affected by plastic pollution. Obviously, no one will be fully satisfied with its results, but it is also that democracy.

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