Home News The adaptation I, The Inquisitor is announced on new gen consoles and...

The adaptation I, The Inquisitor is announced on new gen consoles and PC


Inquisitor, a Polish literary series, will be entitled to its video game adaptation. It has been announced for release on new gen consoles and PC.

Inspired by a Polish literary saga written by Jacek Piekarathe game developed by The Dust will send players into a universe with an alternate religious context. A world in which Jesus, burning with a monster anger, was unleashed on non-believers. And, years after his punishment, it is the turn of the inquisitors to enforce divine laws. Biting Madderdinthe hero of this adventure who will have to try to solve the mysteries that exist around a dark threat, is precisely one of them.

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During the proposed story, described as non-linear, you will therefore find yourself in the company of the aforementioned character. And, in addition to simply punctuating his journey with sword fights, he will have to investigate. Each of them will commit him morally. It is up to him, or rather, up to you to see if you will decide to subject others to violent interrogations or not to extract the truth from them. Sequences during which, Mordimer will be able to use his faculty which allows him to pass into a dark dimension where all the secrets of everyone reside. However, venturing there will not be without danger.

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I, The Inquisitor, not yet having a date (even wide) will be released on PS5, Xbox Series and computer. We will content ourselves for the moment with a few pictures and a video.

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