Home News The arrival of the Assassin’s Creed: Origins 60 fps patch is approaching

The arrival of the Assassin’s Creed: Origins 60 fps patch is approaching


Ubisoft had announced that it was working on it. However, no indication as to the arrival of the update had appeared. Something that now seems to be clear.

Last December, Ubisoft announced its intention to provide its Assassin’s Creed Origins with a patch intended for the PS5 and Xbox Series which would add support for 60fps, as had been achieved with Odyssey. However, months have passed and still no noticeable change. But, this wait is likely to end, and very soon.

An arrival between May 24 and 26?

Ubisoft would indeed be preparing to deploy the update in question if we are to believe the recent discovery of the user Twitter PlayStation Size, quite well known in this kind of leak. He would indeed have unearthed the note of the update on the PS Storewhich, in addition to mentioning an improvement in terms of framerate, mentions the addition of a “mode”.

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And, according to the date given by the person concerned, the latter should appear in probably a week, in an interval which is between the May 24 and 26.

Now we just have to wait for the official communication from Ubisoft.

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