Home News The Batman delivers its musical theme, its duration and an anecdote

The Batman delivers its musical theme, its duration and an anecdote


The Dark Knight is still out not for a trailer, but for the revelation of its theme which was composed under special conditions. The film will be longer than those of Christopher Nolan.

The Batman is expected in theaters for the March 4, 2022, but Warner has taken precautions in case a postponement is necessary. And as the delay will not necessarily take place, the promotion and the information around the feature film continue to flow.

After Danny Elfman and Hans Zimmer, the composer Michael Giacchino allows us to listen the main theme of The Batman:

Giacchino is not at his first attempt since we owe him the soundtracks of the new Spider-Man trilogy with Tom Holland and Zendaya, or those of Planet of the Apes: Showdown/Supremacy, Rogue One: A Star Wars Story, Cloverfield…

Matt Reeves, the director, hastened to relay it with a little behind-the-scenes story. The arrangement was written before even a single scene was shot, and was heard in the car, when the two friends went to the set for the Robert Pattinson screen-test..

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Via the Hollywood Reporter, we also know that The Batman will run for 2h55, the longest Batou solo film ever produced, ahead of The Dark Knight Rises (2h44) and The Dark Knight (2h30). To see now if Reeves will be able to lead his boat from start to finish.

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