Home News The Callisto: Murder at a Stellar Hotel

The Callisto: Murder at a Stellar Hotel


GIB Games’ virtual reality space investigation game offers us a new trailer in its luxury hotel.

The Callisto, not to be confused with The Callisto Protocol, also expected for 2022, is a sci-fi investigation game developed by the independent American studio GIB Games and which should reach us in Spring 2022 on PCVR.

The Callisto is a luxurious hotel located on the Jupiter’s second largest moon. And this one has just been the scene of a multiple murders including that of a political figure at a charity event.

To you, interstellar policeman, of lead the investigation within this completely empty place to find out what happened by collecting evidence, remotely interviewing witnesses (staff and guests) and analyzing the various clues you find.

This title is inspired by 2017 Cold Start tabletop roleplaying game by mixing techniques ofescape room and interactive scenario with some dynamic puzzles to make each part unique, all with, we are promised, stunning visuals during our explorations of this dystopian SF universe.

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Note that the title was noticed at the Game Developer Conference 2021 for its soundtrack and sound design. Jon St. John, the actor behind the original voice of Duke Nukem will also be part of it, among others.

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