Home News The Callisto Protocol: Dead Space’s daddy’s game breaks free from PUBG

The Callisto Protocol: Dead Space’s daddy’s game breaks free from PUBG


The SF survival horror from the creator of Dead Space has finally given up on the PUBG universe to create its own mythology.

Why? How? We don’t know, but The Callisto Protocol, a horror game set in a space prison in 2320, was supposed to be part of PUBG, the cult battle royale set in the modern era. But this is no longer the case.

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With Battleground Krafton, PUBG’s parent company wanted to create a real narrative universe around PUBG and The Callisto Protocol was to be one of the representatives. Except that obviously, during development, the software has gradually become detached from its origins to eventually create its own mythology, as its creator Glen A. Schofield states.

When we came to Krafton, the studio had a lore team and they were writing this big story with questions like, “Where does PUBG start?”, “Where does it fit?”[dans le temps].[…] At first, the idea of ​​us being in that same universe felt really good to us, and then when we started coming up with our story, we realized, “Wow, that’s kinda distant actually.” […]The Callisto Protocol was originally part of the PUBG timeline, but ended up getting its own world.

The Callisto Protocol is therefore no longer part of the same world as PUBG, but the developers still teased “surprises to come for fans”. We will therefore certainly have the right to easter eggs or why not a crossover between the two games.

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The Callisto Protocol is expected in 2022 on PS5, Xbox Series and PC.

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