Home News Xbox One The Cyberpunk Edgerunners series unveils its opening with Franz Ferdinand

The Cyberpunk Edgerunners series unveils its opening with Franz Ferdinand


After being unveiled with a trailer, the animated series in the universe of Cyberpunk 2077 now reveals its opening with a song by Franz Ferdinand.

The first time we got a real glimpse of the series Cyberpunk EdgerunnersIt was at the Netflix Geeked of this month of June 2022. And, as we could see, the anime had all the characteristics that define the productions of the studio in charge of the realization: Trigger. It is thus quite logical that we find, artistically speaking, a result very close to what was proposed to us a little while ago with the very dynamic Promare.

Franz Ferdinand at the opening

Now, with the Anime Expo in Los Angeles which is about to end, the series planned to be released in September 2022 on Netflix shows itself again. Finally, it communicates only its opening whose music is signed by the British group, Franz Ferdinand. A very colorful credits that does not forget to represent the characteristic color of the title of CD Projekt.

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The return of Panty & Stocking with Garterbelt

So it’s not much, we don’t learn more about the series. That’s why we’ll add another news, which this time has not much to do with the video game world. However, it might have the merit to satisfy the fans of the series. Indeed, Trigger also took advantage of the moment dedicated to him to announce a new season for a series produced by the former Gainax (whose members then created the current studio): the anime of 2010, Panty & Stocking with Garterbelt. But, for her, no video has been released.

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