Home News 3DS the director of Elysium on the project? News @VGR

the director of Elysium on the project? News @VGR


Sony has several adaptation projects within its subsidiary PlayStation Productions: God of War, Horizon, Ghost of Tsushima and soon Gran Turismo. Rumors announce Neill Blomkamp to direct.

Sony has many film adaptation projects in the works. After bringing Uncharted to the big screen and soon The Last of Us as a TV series on HBOwe know that the group (which was, before the PlayStation, an eminent film studio, remember, if so) wants to adapt Twisted Metal and make a Ghost of Tsushima live-action film with the director of John Wick.

Neill Blomkamp director of Gran Turismo: The Movie?

But in the boxes, there is also Gran Turismo (which we still have a little trouble seeing the script potential, unlike a game by Neil Druckmann for example). At the end of last week, a meeting with investors allowed Sony to also confirm the pre-production of this adaptation on the big screen. The project is oriented towards a cinema production and not a series.

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According Deadline now it’s Neill Blomkampdirector of films like District 9, Elysium and Chappie, who would be approached to direct the project, supported by the new PlayStation Productions, a subsidiary formed by SIE to deal exclusively with films from franchises of the video game.

The studio should also look into an adaptation of Jak and Daxter by Ruben Fleisherthe real of Uncharted, but also of God of War at Amazon Prime Video and ofHorizon at Netflix.

In fact, new films to postpone…

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