Home News The Elder Scrolls Online: The Next Chapter Finally Revealed by Bethesda

The Elder Scrolls Online: The Next Chapter Finally Revealed by Bethesda


After long months of waiting, the new chapter of the MMO The Elder Scrolls Online has just been unveiled. Get ready for High Isle: Legacy of the Bretons, which will take you to ancient medieval lands corrupted by war and political intrigue.

The more than 20 million players of The Elder Scrolls Online will be able to discover from June a brand new adventure. This year, Bethesda decided to take us to a medieval island, Île-Haute. This region, which has never been visited by players before, is the archipelago of Systres. It is inspired by the landscapes of the Mediterranean and welcomes the Bretonsdescendants of humans and elves.

Your mission will be to thwart the plots of the Ascending Order during the War of the Three Standards. You will have to navigate between low masses and political intrigues to advance the peace talks. In other words, you will have to watch your back.

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Île-Haute is full of castles and tournament grounds, it is a real concentrate of medieval culture. The heart of the action will take place in Gonfalon Baythe nerve center of political operations.

Other novelties are planned: two new companions, Braise, a Khajiit with a natural gift for magic and a background as a street kid, and Isobel, an apprentice knight dedicated to helping players. But also [jet]a new card game called Tales of Glory.

Boarding scheduled for June 6, 2022 on PC and Stadia and June 21, 2022 on Xbox and PlayStation.

The Elder Scrolls Online: The Next Chapter Finally Revealed by Bethesda

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