Home News The end has come for Jump Force

The end has come for Jump Force


The fighting game released in 2019 is far from convincing. A failure that now leads to his disappearance. Jump Force only has a few hours left.

Here is the announcement is about to become reality. Soon, very soon, the Jump Force page will turn.

Released in 2019 on consoles and PCthe fighting game bringing together a number of characters from the Weekly Shōnen Jumplike Luffy, Naruto, Nicky Larson, Goku, etc. – is about to say goodbye. Only a few hours separate him from his inevitable end. From this February 8, at 1 a.m. exactlythe title published and developed by Bandai Namco will no longer be offered on download platforms.

A first step which will be followed, a few months later, by the cessation of micro-transactions (August 8) as well as the closure of the online service (August 25).

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