Home News The gameplay of Dune: Spice Wars is revealed in video, a date...

The gameplay of Dune: Spice Wars is revealed in video, a date too


The new adaptation of Frank Herbert’s universe, Shiro Games’ 4X, specifies the launch of its early access with a new gameplay video.

Highly anticipated thanks to the hype revived by the release of the latest film, Dune: Spice Wars is slated for PC in 2022. This 4X/RTS announced at the Game Awards last year will bring players back to the world of Arrakis, more than 20 years after the last adaptation (Frank Herbert’s Dune in 2001).

Shiro Games has unveiled a gameplay video that immerses you in the Spice Warsand takes the opportunity to announce a release in early access for next spring. Several important updates are already planned on Steam during this first phase, including the introduction of multiplayer mode and new factions.

As a reminder, Funcom, which publishes the game, is also developing a multiplayer open-world survival game in the same universe. Between these games and the second chapter of the new film adaptation, you will be eating sand in the months to come.

READ :   towards a release in September? News @VGR

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