Home News The GTA (Grand Theft Auto) saga @VGR

The GTA (Grand Theft Auto) saga @VGR


The famous GTA, but what a license! Who does not know this hit which has been around for many years? The famous game which is close to a very exorbitant simulation of life, a universe rich in emotion but above all rich in drugs, sex and money, a mishmash of life where you generally have to embody completely sassy gangsters! We steal, we rob, we kill, we deal, we crook and we refurbish money to do this in order to pay a little for everything we want. That’s roughly what GTA is.

The GTA (Grand Theft Auto) saga

In this file we will take a tour of the GTA license from the beginning. We will be able to see the evolution of the different opuses over the years. Before going deeper into the game itself, we are going to focus a little on the fabulous studio that is breaking our heads to release new opuses regularly, just to know who is behind this hit which is controversial every time. exit.

Historical Rockstar Games

Rockstar Games is a video game development company owned by Take two since 1999. This company was created in 1988 by Sam houser, his brother Dan Houser, Terry donovan, Jami king as well as Gary Foremon.

The GTA (Grand Theft Auto) saga

Rockstar games brings together different development teams from Take two under the same name. There is therefore, Rockstar north, Rockstar San Diego, Rockstar leeds, Rockstar Vancouver, Rockstar Vienna and Rockstar Toronto. These studios are therefore not directly edited by Take two but rather through this structure. We can therefore say that Rockstar games is not a physical company, but a name affixed in place of the publisher Take two concerning the games developed by these teams.

The head office of Rockstar games, which is part of the offices of Take two, is located on Broadway in the great city of New York. This is where marketing decisions are made and public relations are maintained. It is also on Broadway that decisions concerning the development of the subsidiaries of Rockstar games are taken.

To better understand here are the different Rockstar studios:

Rockstar leeds

Well known as Mobius Entertainment and based in Stanningley, Leeds. They mostly created the GTA series on a portable console.

Rockstar Lincoln

As the name suggests, this studio is based in Lincoln, England. Previously known as Tarantula Studios, it serves as a test of the Rockstar games, they also developed the first GTAs.

Rockstar london

Created in November 2005, this studio was mainly responsible for the development of Manhunt 2. The development of the game began in 2004 at Rockstar Vienna (Neo Software). The game was launched in October 2008 after being rejected several times.

Rockstar New England

The newest of the Rockstar studios, previously known as Mad Doc Software Incorporated in 2008. They are widely known for creating Empire Earth 3.

Rockstar north

The most renowned of all, headquartered in Edinburgh, Scotland, this studio was previously known as DMA Design. He is the most famous because he is at the origin of the series Grand Theft Auto which means Grand theft / robbery of the car (jargon used by the police used in the United States).

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Rockstar San Diego

Previously known as “Angel Studios”, he is at the origin of the Midnight Club series and the famous Red Dead.

Rockstar Toronto

Better known in the past as Rockstar Canada. This studio was behind the adaptation of the cult film The Warriors in 2005 for Xbox.

Rockstar Vancouver

Better known at the time as Barking Dog Studio, at the origin of Canis Canem Edit (Bully in original version) on PS2 and Bully – Scholarship Edition in its 360 version, Wii and PC.

Rockstar Vienna

Previously known as Neo Software, this studio carried three GTAs for the xbox and was closed in May 2006.

Rockstar japan

This is the studio founded in Tokyo in 2005. It works in collaboration with Japanese developers (like Capcom) on many Rockstar games. It is also known as Rockstar Games Tokyo.

To conclude on Rockstar, let’s take stock of the company’s goals:

Today it’s simple: with the release of the new GTA, Rockstar wants to break all possible records. Indeed, Rockstar is betting big for the release of GTA V. According to some source (CVG) the publisher intends to distribute 3 million copies of the game in the United Kingdom, upon its release. Obviously, the main objective, to beat Activision which had sold 1.4 million copies of Call of Duty Black Ops in 24 hours on English soil. Rockstar’s bet has been met because we know today that the studio has sold 2.25 million units from our English friends for a total of more than 11 million copies sold worldwide.

Long before GTA V, Rockstar had to face the competitiveness of other development studios as well as a craze around first-person shooters and of course targeting all audiences, better known as “Casual Gaming“.

In 2008, Dan Houser gives his vision of things in relation to the Casual Gaming. He declares loud and clear:

Fuck all the hype around casual gaming. I think people always want games that are eye-catching. The Wii takes a whole different approach, which is fantastic. But we will, hopefully, prove that there is also a genuine interest in all those who enjoy entertainment in another form, in those who believe that video games can tell stories that compete with cinema.“.

Clear words that tell us that Mr. Houser does not intend to ensure that the GTA license becomes the world of Care Bears …

It was then in 2011, through Famitsu magazine that Dan Houser states that the company intentionally avoids developing into the first-person shooter genre. He clarified that it is in the nature of the studio to avoid doing the same sort of thing that other companies do. So of course he is aware that some think that Max Payne 3 is pretty close to an FPS, but it makes it clear that there are some unique aspects to the gameplay there too, and not just the story. For him it is important to have originality in the games, it is important to integrate some kind of interesting message. And from his point of view, the players have to feel all that. Houser states that Rockstar has made new genres on their own with games like the GTA series. For him, the studio didn’t rely on testimonials in a business book to do what they did. He thinks the studio was successful precisely because they didn’t focus on the outcome. He ends up explaining to us his very simple policy, “If we make the kind of games we want to play we think people will buy it“.

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One thing is certain, Rockstar games is a for-profit company and it does not hesitate to increase the impatience of the player by applying the policy of silence.

Grand Theft Auto ? What are aquò?

It’s very simple: you just have to look at your own daily life to find meaning in what GTA can be. Yes it’s true, in real life, have you never wanted to drive like crazy in the city or on the highway? Compete like crazy while slaloming between the other crates? Have you ever had an intriguing urge that will drive you to steal the latest trendy sedan that your neighbor is proud to show off right under your nose? Or even take the guy who just smashed your rear bumper out of his car and beat him up? Then these pedestrians who cross without looking, no murderous impulse that could lead you to a real massacre?

Because yes, GTA is all that! Appropriate the right to really do what you feel in the present moment, become a great impulsive! How easy it is to embody a man whose only goal is to become the master of the city. GTA takes place in a world similar to ours, the only difference: EVERYTHING IS PERMITTED! Having the ability to do anything, anytime, anywhere. This is what GTA owes its success to: the possibility of stealing, killing, dealing, robbing… Absolute freedom!

In each episode of the series, you will be offered missions in order to legally (or not) earn your crust. Apart from these missions, everything is allowed, you are free to take care of yourself as you see fit. At the end of the game, you can achieve the title of master of the city, and of course, once you’ve taken out all the annoyances and earned the respect of those you spared. When you insert a GTA in the console, you change your personality, you open up to all vices. We ignore the logical basis of our education in order to become a real murderer, and of course we let our impulses turn to debauchery. This is the GTA experience!

GTA story

For the oldest, you know, GTA is not new. Here is therefore its entire history since its creation.

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