Home News The Last of Us 2: multiplayer content discovered in the game

The Last of Us 2: multiplayer content discovered in the game


The Last of Us 2 multiplayer is once again making headlines following the discovery of several hidden objects by the developers.

Currently under construction, the ambitious multiplayer standalone from The Last of Us 2 resurfaces thanks to a smart guy who, after rummaging through the game files, ended up discovering several items directly related to multiplayer.

An Ellie in armor for the TLOU 2 multiplayer

The person behind this “data mining”, Speclizerhas therefore gotten his hands on a whole bunch of objects, more or less left in the state of concept, which would have been designed for multiplayer.

So, as evidenced by the video below, Speclizer managed to unearth several armors for Ellieof different levels as in the multi mode of TLOU first of the name, as well as a handful of backpacks.

If the latter could not be loaded into the game, however, we know that they were categorized into different classes: sniper, melee, assault, stealth, support and tactics. This would suggest that several specializations would be in the game.

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We will certainly have to wait to learn more, even if Speclizer tries somehow to extract the visuals of these famous bags. One thing is certain, however, it seems that the multiplayer of TLOU 2 was well and truly planned from the startor at least, would have been conceptualized during the development of its solo part.

Now what we want is official Sony exclusive info, and why not even a preview. We have the right to hope, right?

Source: www.eurogamer.net

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