Home News PS5 The Last of Us Remake: a scam? An ex-developer speaks out

The Last of Us Remake: a scam? An ex-developer speaks out


The Last of US Part I has not been released yet that it is already strongly criticized by several disgruntled gamers who cry hold-up. A former employee of Naughty Dog speaks out on the subject.

Scheduled for September 2ndThe Last of Us Part I made a lot of people happy when it was announced and is one of the most anticipated games of the year. On the other hand, many people also think that it is onlya vulgar scam to make easy money. Right or wrong? We’ll only know when we’ve had a chance to test the beast, in the meantime, a former Naughty Dog employee who worked on the remake spoke out to give his version of events.

The Last of Us Part I just there to make money or real project?

This is Robert MorrisonRobert Morrison, animator who worked at Naughty Dog before joining Bend Studio, sent a tweet to answer the strong criticism that The Last of Us Remake is undergoing. According to him, the game is anything but a rip-offOn the contrary, the studio has worked hard to give the game a second lifeand has achieved a new level of success. a level of detail that he had never seen before.

In fact, this is the most meticulously constructed and elaborate project I have ever seen or been involved with in my entire career. [C’est le jeu avec] The highest level of care and attention to detail possible.
The price of the game is out of our control and its value is subjective for each person. You can decide for yourself if you want it or not. All I am saying is that I am impressed with the work of this amazing group of people. A tremendous amount of passion has been put into this project;

According to Morrison, The Last of Us Part I is therefore a high-end game and not a vulgar rip-off as many seem to think. We’ll wait until we have the game in our hands to judge for ourselves, but we must say that the first visuals make you salivate and show a real redesign work. Wait and See, the September 2nd is not so far.

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